Welcome to our school

Primary school De Wentelwiek is located in Nuenen. Our school offers you the convenience of education and childcare in the same building. We can coordinate our programs and guidance even better, so that children aged 0 to 13 learn and play and develop their talents to the fullest.

For first year new comers we have two special language classes, with a maximum of 15 children. The children learn mainly the Dutch language so they can go to a regular class, nearby home, after this first year.


Developing safely and confidently

We believe high-quality education is not only aimed at learning outcomes; good education is also characterized by an atmosphere of openness and trust in which your child can feel safe. Our employees provide a good atmosphere and high quality education. Together with the children, they give ‘colour’ to our school. We also value parental involvement.

We are pleased to welcome you and your child(ren) to primary school De Wentelwiek. We understand that choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions you will make. Would you like to get personally acquainted with our school? Then you are always welcome for making an appointment for an introductory meeting and a guided tour.

Hopefully we see you soon!

Team primary school De Wentelwiek

Meet us in person with your child

If you are interested in our school, we would like to make an appointment for an initial interview. During the interview, we tell you about our school: the way we work and our vision on education. How we organize our student care and what a schoolday looks like. All your questions about education will be answered and of course you’re welcome to have a look inside our classrooms.

After the initial interview you have an idea of who we are and where we stand for.

Kennismaking aanvragen

Mijn gegevens

Mijn voorkeuren

Op welke dag(en) komt een kennismaking uit?(Required)
Welk dagdeel heeft je voorkeur?
Kennismakingen zijn mogelijk op de dagen en tijden dat de school geopend is. Tijdens schoolvakanties en in de weekenden zijn kennismakingen niet mogelijk.
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